Occupational therapy treatments

Targeted occupational therapy treatment is aimed at people with neurological diseases or damage to the central nervous system, as well as patients who experience restrictions in their ability to perform activities in everyday life. In addition, we also use occupational therapy treatment for people with age-related difficulties.

Action-oriented therapy

To rebuild the ability to perform activities, we work together with those affected to develop individual solutions that help overcome limitations. These solutions are then gradually integrated into everyday life. Our treatment methods in occupational therapy include:

  • Bobath concept
  • Aids consultation
  • Mirror therapy
  • Action-oriented diagnostics and therapy
  • Concentration and cognitive performance training
  • Everyday life training
  • Robotics

We follow the progress of therapies closely with assessments such as questionnaires to evaluate the current quality of life, strength measurements and scientifically based tests. In this way, we make it possible to measure the improvement in your state of health. Optimal consultation with the treating physician is another factor for a successful course of therapy.

Self-care and quality of life

Occupational therapy aims to foster and enhance self-care and the quality of life of those affected. This includes social integration and the satisfactory performance of everyday activities. We also provide support where necessary after the therapy is completed. In order to maintain the state of health you have achieved in the long term, the rehabilitation center remains at your disposal.


For more information and registration contact the therapy staff directly.

VAMED Rehazentrum Zürich Seefeld
Therapy staff
Phone: +41 58 206 08 40
E-Mail: info@vamed-rehazentrum.ch